Burns On The Job Can Be Compensated

In addition to being extremely painful, severe burn injuries suffered on the job often require extensive medical treatment, including skin grafts, possible reconstructive surgery and physical therapy. Beyond that, physical scarring can have lasting effects on patients’ overall emotional health. To protect your right to receive full and fair compensation after suffering a work-related burn injury, you should contact a skilled personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Let us help you get the money you need after being burned on the job. Contact our firm today by calling 866-491-6561 or email us.

Seeking Maximum Compensation In Serious Burn Injury Cases

The Massachusetts workplace injury attorneys of The Law Offices of Joseph J. Cariglia, P.C., offer dedicated and aggressive representation for victims of serious burn injuries on the job due to:

  • Explosions: An explosion that occurred for any reason can cause burn injuries, both with the initial explosion and any fires that result.
  • Chemical spills: Exposure to certain types of chemicals can cause burns, both to skin, if contact was made with the substance, and lungs, if toxic fumes were inhaled.
  • Defective power tools: When a power tool is defective, it may overheat, becoming dangerous and capable of causing serious burns.
  • Refinery fires: Fires at refineries often take time to contain, resulting in high-temperature fires that can burn workers even from a distance.
  • Electrical accidents: Exposed wires and other electrical equipment can leave a worker with serious shocks and burns.

We Do Not Back Down From Reluctant Insurance Companies

Unfortunately, many insurance companies attempt to minimize valid workers’ compensation claims to protect their own interests. If you or your loved one has suffered serious burn injuries on the job, our firm will fight to protect your right to receive compensation for your medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, wage benefits and more. We have extensive experience managing insurance issues and will aggressively defend your interests in negotiation or litigation if necessary.

Our firm has represented clients with a wide variety of personal injury matters throughout central Massachusetts since 1961. We are respected by judges, other attorneys, insurance companies and others in the community for our dedicated, results-oriented approach and demonstrated successful results.

Hire Attorneys Who Get Results

We handle cases on a contingency fee basis. You will pay attorneys’ fees only if we obtain a favorable verdict or settlement on your behalf. To discuss your case in a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers, email us or call our office in Worcester today at 866-491-6561. We will listen to your concerns and give you honest counsel on how to proceed.