Were You Injured By An Underage Drunk Driver?

Due to their inexperience and other factors, most teen drivers are at a heightened risk for car accidents even when they are sober. When a teenager is driving drunk, the probability of causing an accident skyrockets.

If you have suffered serious injuries or experienced the wrongful death of a loved one because of an underage drinking accident, our lawyers can fight for the full and fair compensation you deserve.

With more than 50 years of experience, The Law Offices of Joseph J. Cariglia, P.C., is a firm dedicated to getting the best possible compensation for our clients. Contact us for a free initial consultation: 866-491-6561.

Compensation For Accidents Caused By Underage Drunk Drivers

We will listen to you and give you valuable advice about how to proceed. An essential part of our personal injury representation involves using our wealth of experience to know when to take a settlement offer and when to take a case to trial to fight for the full compensation you deserve. We have the fortitude and wherewithal to take your case as far as necessary to gain the best financial award possible.

Dramshop/Liquor Liability

An important aspect of obtaining recovery for our clients can involve dramshop/liquor liability and social host liability. If a minor who caused your injuries was drinking and driving, that young person must have gotten the alcohol from someone. We can seek additional compensation from the people responsible for the minor being intoxicated in the first place.

Contact Us To Discuss Injuries From A Drunk Teen Driver

We work on a contingency fee basis, so you will not be charged attorney fees until we collect financial compensation for you. Call 866-491-6561 or contact us online to talk to an attorney about your case.