Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone anywhere. It only takes being in the wrong spot at the wrong time to suffer an injury. However, finding out who to ask for compensation can be challenging when they occur in public places. Here are some facts you must...
Premises Liability
Swimming pool injuries and your legal rights
Summer break is filled with many enjoyable activities for children of all ages. For many, this means taking a dip in the pool. Whether it is a pool at their home, a neighbor’s pool, a community pool or a pool at a private facility, there are certain risk and dangers...
Massachusetts slip-and-fall accident claims
Property owners in Massachusetts have a legal obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of any legal visitor that steps on to their property. Legal visitors may include: Business invitees: People with an express or implied invite onto the property...
Store owners owe highest duty of care to business invitees and licensees
Store owners are responsible for more than just making sure their business is earning a profit. They are also responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their customers and other guests. The duty of care owed to a person on the property will depend on whether they...
The “open and obvious danger” rule
Premises liability is the legal theory that allows injured people to seek compensation for their damages after they have been hurt on someone else's property. A typical case involves a customer who slips and falls on spilled liquid at a supermarket or other store. The...
When violent attacks happen due to neglectful property owners
The night was not unusual as you drove downtown, parked your car in a ramp with the intention of meeting friends at a socially distanced gathering at a restaurant. As you exit your car and begin walking in the dimly lit parking ramp, a stranger asks you the time and...