Most people know about the consequence of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and how those conditions can cause accidents In Massachusetts. However, driving when drowsy can be just as devastating, especially when the tired motorist is a truck driver handling a big rig. Because of the size and weight of these commercial vehicles, drowsy truck drivers can create catastrophic accidents that severely injure motorists.
Causes of truck driver fatigue
Driving a truck is dangerous because of the sheer size and weight of semi-tractor trailers, which is a significant factor in serious motor vehicle accidents. When combined with driver fatigue, the results can be deadly. Causes of truck driver fatigue can include:
- Illness
- Medications
- Substance abuse
- Working unusual shifts
- Not getting enough rest
As many as one in 25 drivers have admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel or struggling to stay awake. Driving while fatigued can have the same effect as excessive alcohol or drug use. Drowsy drivers often have difficulty paying attention to the road around them. Not paying attention may mean not responding fast enough to dangerous situations, including not realizing that vehicles may be in blind spots, not realizing that a car has suddenly pulled in front of them, or failing to recognize a change in traffic patterns. All these situations and more can lead to severe accidents that can produce catastrophic injuries.
Getting compensation for catastrophic injuries
Driving a big rig while tired can be a form of negligence. In addition to the previously mentioned reasons for drowsiness, some drivers are on the road too long because their companies want them to deliver their loads on time no matter the conditions.
Anyone injured in a truck driving accident where negligence is involved, either through drowsy driving or by another means, may want to consider filing a lawsuit against the responsible party or parties if negotiations prove to be unsuccessful.