How addressing a sleep disorder may save your life as a motorist

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2020 | Car Accidents

As a motorist, there are several hazards and distractions you may face on the road — many of which you can manage and others that are out of your control. It’s in your best interest to take all precautions you can behind the wheel. This includes considering if you might have any underlying health conditions that interfere with your alertness.

In fact, there are studies to show that a large amount of car collisions across the globe happen because of sleeping disorders or a lack of sleep. So, if you feel like you might be suffering from something that is beyond the occasional night of restless sleep, then getting a medical diagnosis is essential.

Track your symptoms

As a working adult or parent, you may have written off feeling sleepy during the day as a symptom of the busy lifestyle you lead. In fact, you might have so much on your plate that you’ve missed clear cues of an ongoing issue. If you can’t remember the last time you got a good night of sleep, it’s crucial to consider some common signs of a sleep disorder, like:

  • Experiencing persistent fatigue or irritability during the day
  • Falling asleep for several hours when you lie down for a nap
  • Not being able to sleep all the way through the night
  • Snoring loudly or irregular breathing while sleeping
  • Resorting to plenty of caffeine to keep alert

Through doing your own research, you might be able to figure out that what you are experiencing is insomnia. Or given your family history, you may feel confident that you have sleep apnea. But, without medical help, you might not which treatment route to take or the severity of your condition.

Get professional help

Getting a professional’s opinion is going to one of the best things you do. This is because you’ll find out which prescription medications or natural remedies can help improve your condition and well-being. And you’ll find out if it’s safe for you to continue to drive or if you should wait for signs of improvement instead.

Ultimately, staying off the road when you know you aren’t well-rested is vital as drowsy driving is a life-risking act.


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