Car accident victims can suffer serious, and fatal, injuries in car accidents. In a neighboring Massachusetts community south of Worcester, a car accident recently claimed the life of one and injured another who was taken to a local hospital. The victim who was killed was also taken to the local Worcester hospital but was pronounced dead in the hospital. The accident occurred when an SUV crossed a double yellow center line and struck a pick-up truck and another SUV while traveling in the wrong lane of travel.
The driver of the SUV that crossed the double center line was taken into police custody. The reconstruction team responded to the accident which is under investigation according to authorities. Victims of car accidents need to be familiar with personal injury legal protections which can hold a negligent driver responsible for their injuries accountable and help them recover compensation for their physical, financial and emotional damages.
Both personal injury and wrongful death claims can help car accident victims and their families recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering damages and wrongful death damages as well as the circumstances warrant. Wrongful death damages can include compensation for medical and funeral expenses; loss of support and services; and lost prospect of inheritance damages.
Personal injury legal remedies are important legal protections for car accident victims and their families to be familiar with. They can help both injured victims and their families through an exceedingly difficult time following an unexpected car accident and the harm they have suffered.