Whether suffered in a car accident, a sports collision, a slip and fall accident or some other circumstance, any significant blow to the head can result in a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Mild TBIs are surprisingly versatile injuries, which can bring with them a host of symptoms that the victim and his or her community may not recognize if they’re unaware that an injury occurred in the first place.
Without a clear diagnosis and professional medical care, mild TBIs may linger for months or even up to a year post-incident without the victim ever receiving proper care. These injuries can wreak havoc on the personal lives and careers of victims. This type of injury is certainly not something to take lightly, even though it does not present visible symptoms the way a broken arm will.
After any significant blow to the head, it is absolutely vital to undergo a professional medical examination as soon as you can. If you are diagnosed with a mild TBI, you may face a wide variety of symptoms, some of which may severely impact your personal and professional relationships.
When these injuries go undiagnosed and untreated, victims may lose their employment and even the support of their families and communities. The injuries can cause significant changes in their mental capacities and personalities, which can be distressing to themselves and others. For some who wait too long, it is simply too late to recover by the time they do finally identify and address the issue.
Common destructive symptoms
Symptoms of mild TBIs vary greatly. Some symptoms are common and exceptionally destructive, especially in the workplace, making it very important to identify and treat them as soon as possible.
Two symptoms that often amplify each other’s damaging effects are loss of ability to perform familiar tasks or concentrate and a loss of temper control. In many instances, those who suffer mild TBIs suddenly find that they cannot focus on tasks that they previously understood well, or could perform easily.
Furthermore, when confronted with frustrations, victim’s often react in very volatile ways, which may make them appear emotionally immature or unacceptable in the workplace. Without proper diagnosis from a medical professional, a victim’s coworkers and superiors may assume that the behavior is not from an injury, but simply a shortcoming of the victim.
It is also very common for victims to lose their abilities to understand full sentences or even simple phrases that they read or hear in conversations. This can lead to numerous, repeated miscommunications, which can easily threaten a victim’s security in the workplace. This is especially true for those in professional positions where they must communicate clearly with others on a regular basis.
Begin healing as soon as possible
You may find managing a mild traumatic brain injury to be quite overwhelming, but rest assured you do not have to go through this process all alone. Your medical care provider can help you understand your injury and clearly communicate your restrictions and needs to colleagues, employers and other community members.
If your injury occurred due to another party’s negligence or wrongful actions, you should carefully consider a filing a personal injury claim. Such a claim can help you obtain compensation for medical expenses and other losses from your injury while ensuring that your rights remain secure while you recover.