Helping you recover workers’ compensation benefits

On Behalf of | Dec 15, 2016 | Workers' Compensation

Everyday, most residents in Massachusetts go to work. While many enjoy their place of employment, most people go to work each day for a source of income. This income is heavily relied upon, and, when it is limited or halted because of a work injury, this can become very detrimental for an employee.

At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Cariglia, P.C., our experienced legal team understands that no worker expects to be injured, no matter what industry they work in. Therefore, we are dedicated to helping those employees injured on the job, ensuring that they get all the benefits they are entitled to.

Our law firm has decades of experience and have represented clients suffering injuries from all types of work environments and industries. Whether you were injured in a construction accident, ladder or scaffolding incident, crane accident, forklift accident, suffered a burn injury in the workplace or are a victim of repetitive motion injuries, our legal team has the skills and resources necessary to help you in your workers’ compensation claim.

We will work diligently to collect the required documents to file your action. Our experienced attorneys will gather medical documents, conduct investigations of the workplace and negotiate with insurance companies. It is our goal to fight for your rights and help you recover the medical and wage benefits owed to you.

To learn more, check out our workers’ compensation website. Suffering a work injury can be life-altering. It is important that injured workers understand their rights and take the proper steps to protect those rights.


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