Reckless driver collides with Massachusetts’s police cruiser

On Behalf of | Sep 7, 2016 | Car Accidents

Drivers in Massachusetts and elsewhere are aware of the steps one can take to ensure the person’s safety while the driver is behind the wheel of the vehicle. Such steps as wearing a seatbelt, using mirrors, traveling at or below the posted speed limit, signaling turns and modifying driving behaviors for inclement weather could increase the safety of a motorist; however, this does not always protect a driver from a negligent, reckless or intoxicated driver on the roadways. Such an encounter could result in a serious or even fatal automobile collision.

According to recent reports, a police officer and another motorists were injured in a two-vehicle crash. Preliminary reports indicate that it was a reckless driving crash, which occurred when a driver of a sedan collided with a police cruiser.

Based on police reports, the police cruiser was traveling south on Norris Road at around 1:40 a.m. when it was struck by a sedan driven by a 23-year-old female. It is believed that the woman was speeding and failed to stop at a stop sign. This then caused the vehicle to collide with the police vehicle.

Reports indicate that both the officer in the cruiser and the female driver were injured in the crash. Both were transported to the hospital for the treatment of the injuries suffered. Preliminary investigation uncovered that the female driver violated various traffic rules. She was cited for operating to endanger, speeding and failure to stop at a stop sign. The crash still remains under investigation.

No matter who the victims are in a crash, an accident victim has recourses following a collision. If a negligent driver is found to be at fault, that driver could be held accountable for any serious injuries, losses and damages arising from the crash.

Source:, “Officer injured after crash in Bourne,” Sept. 5, 2016


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