Technology is often used to improve and enhance certain industries. With the trucking industry, advancements in technology could serve to better improve truck safety. These large vehicles travel long distance through Massachusetts and other states across the nation, and motorists throughout the country understand the dangers that semi-trucks and tractor-trailer trucks could pose on roadways. These massive vehicles do not maneuver the same way as smaller automobiles, making it critical to continue the advancement of truck safety technology.
Passive safety methods have been effective methods to prevent or mitigate injuries in the event of a truck crash. These safety measures include seatbelts, collapsible steering columns and airbags. Following this came active safety systems, which are designed to prevent a crash from happening. These include forward-looking radar, adaptive cruise control and lane departure warning systems.
Today, the trucking industry is looking to use interactive safety, which will not only allow accident prevention but will also be able to protect other vehicles around them by using vehicle-to-vehicle communications and other emerging technologies. This type of safety system looks at a truck as being part of a network, and by enabling communication within that network, vehicles around a truck could avoid an upcoming hazardous condition they may not be able to react fast enough to avoid on their own.
When it comes to safety technology in the trucking industry, there is much forward thinking. However, technology providers are looking for solutions that will provide a safer environment for the driver and make a more efficient and integrated vehicle and driver system.
While the future holds many opportunities for truck safety, truck accidents unfortunately still occur. If a truck crash is the result of negligence by a truck driver or a trucking company, those harmed in the incident might have recourses available to them. An injured victim could seek compensation through a personal injury claim, helping them cover expenses, losses and damages related to the accident.
Source:, “Daimler touts next chapter in truck safety: Interactive safety,” James Menzies, Sept. 15, 2015