Car insurance companies have done a great job showing the public just how random and unexpected a car accident can be. While most commercials are done with a hint of humor, few people are laughing after being involved in a real world accident. Some accidents can be avoided by driving attentively, others are so unexpected that they are impossible to foresee and avoid. Regardless of the cause of a crash, the toll a serious car accident can take on those involved can last a lifetime.
An investigation is underway after a motorcycle passenger was killed when the bike she was riding was struck by an SUV. The 61-year-old woman was pronounced dead at a local hospital after an SUV rear-ended the motorcycle on which she was a passenger. She was riding with her husband who also suffered serious injuries as a result of the accident, although his injuries were non-life-threatening. According to police, who are still investigating, the accident occurred as the motorcycle was slowing down near a family campground. No charges have been filed against the 72-year-old SUV driver, but the District Attorney’s office is assisting with the investigation.
Losing a loved one to an unexpected accident is nothing short of tragic. Though the pain may be overwhelming, surviving family members may take comfort in knowing that they can seek to recover their losses by filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver who caused the fatal accident A family’s lawsuit can include claims for actual expenses such a medical bills, lost wages, as well as claims for intangible losses such as loss of companionship.
Accidents occur in nearly every city, every day, causing injury and death. While the main focus is on those involved in the accident it is important to remember that car accidents affect more than just the people in the vehicles at the moment they collided.
Source: Masslive, “Holland woman killed in SUV vs. motorcycle accident; Webster police, district attorney investigating,” Megan Bard, June 30, 2014