Workplace safety is a crucial aspect of any business. Despite workplace safety laws and regulations, workplace accidents and injuries still happen every year in Massachusetts. Many workers injured in a workplace accident don’t know where to turn or what their options are after suffering an injury.
Workplace accidents can be very dangerous and often result in workers not being able to work as they once did. Many workers struggle with making ends meet after suffering a workplace injury, even if they are only out of work for a short period of time. Being injured on the job can create many challenges for workers and their families. That is why it is important for workers to understand Massachusetts’ workers’ compensation system, and how they may be eligible for benefits according to state laws.
Workers’ compensation provides benefits to workers who are injured while working or suffer a work-related illness. Spouses and children of workers killed on-the-job can also receive workers’ compensation benefits in Massachusetts. Workers’ compensation benefits can help pay for medical treatment and care for work-related injuries and illnesses. Workers can also receive compensation for some lost wages due to an accident or injury if they cannot work for five days or more.
It is important for injured workers to know that workers’ compensation benefits can provide cash benefits and compensation for medical care for workers who suffer a partial or total disability that lasts five calendar days or longer. All workers should be covered under their employers’ workers’ compensation plan since employers in Massachusetts are required to have coverage for their employees. Employers are required to post the contact information for their workers’ compensation insurance company in the workplace so employees know who to contact in the event of an accident or injury.
Workers who suffer a work-related injury or illness should know that they have the right to apply for workers’ compensation benefits in Massachusetts. The workers’ compensation system can be difficult to navigate, especially after being in a workplace accident so it may be beneficial for injured workers to consult a workers’ compensation attorney for help.
Source: Mass Resources, “What Is Workers’ Compensation?” Nov. 5, 2013